Global Climate Change-Cause and Effect on Environment-Different preventive measures to slow down climate change.

Global Climate Change-Different types of climate change-Causes and effects of climate change-Different preventive actions.

Climate Change
Climate change is a term that refers to the long term change in the earth's climate system such as temperature, precipitation, wind pattern, and sea level. There are different types of climate change. Mostly two types are important. These are natural and anthropogenic. Natural climate change is caused by factors out of human control phenomenon, such as variation in the earth orbit, solar activities, Volcanic eruption. Anthropogenic Climate change is caused by human factors, but the main driver of the current warming trend is the increase in green house gas emissions from human activities, such as burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and agriculture. 
            Climate change is important because it affects of life, such as bio diversity, food security, water availability, health and human security. Climate change can also increase  the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as heat waves droughts, food storm and wildfires. These impacts can have negative consequences for ecosystems, economics and societies, especially for most vulnerable and marginalized groups. 

                   Climate change is a global problem that requires global cooperation and action. There are many preventive measures that can be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emission and enhance resilience  to climate impacts, Some of these  measures are included as below: 
  • 1)Switching to renewable energy resources, such as solar, wind hydro and biofuel.

  • 2)Improving energy efficiency and conservation in buildings, transportation and industry. 

  • 3) Adopting low -carbon lifestyles, and behaviours, such as using public transport, cycling, walking, reducing waste and recycling, eating less meat and taking more plant based food. 

  • 4) Incorporating climate saving policies in the apex regulation of the fast growing and developing countries.
  • 5) Promotion of the clean technologies by providing award and incentives & penalties for disobedient. 

  • 6) Raising awareness through public media communication such as news paper, radio, television program, local theatre and cinema hall. 

  • 7) Incorporating chapters in the school syllabus and educational courses. 

  • 8) Participating in local and global climate movements and initiatives that advocate for climate justice and action.

  • 9. Organising & associate to local, national and international forum raising prospective agenda on climate change.

  • 10. Changing attitude to save nature and subsequently saving the nation.
     Climate change is a serious challenge that poses significant risks to humanity and the planet. However, it is also an opportunity to transform our societies towards a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient future, by taking preventive measures so that we can avoid the worst impacts of climate change and create a better world for future generation.

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Thanks for interest to MDWIX TV

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