Amnesia-Meaning, Causes, Diagnosis, Remedies and Treatment.
Amnesia |
On 23rd December, 2023 The New York Times published the Story of Kim Denicola, a 56 years old American lady. She was diagnosed with transient global amnesia(TGA). This is a rare disease of temporary memory loses. She had gone to a Bible study class at her church in Louisiana, USA. When she started feeling a sharp headache. She collapsed and was rushed to hospital. After treatment she regained her consciousness but not her memory.
She had no idea who she was, or what year it was. She thought she was still teenager in high school, living in the 1980s. She did not recognize her husband, her children, or her grandchildren. She did not remember anything that happened in the past four decades.
She was shocked to learn that she was married, had a career as a nurse and survived with cancer. She was confused about the modern technology and changes in the world. She said she felt like she had travelled to time travelled to future.
Her doctors diagnosed her with transient global amnesia., which is triggered by physical or emotional stress. They said it could last from a few hours to a few days. Thus her memory will regain gradually. With the support and help of her family and near ones, Kim starts to memorise something, such as her name, her birthday, and her favorite song. Though there is many gaps in her memory. Everyone hoping that she will regain her memory soon.
Above incident was just like a cinematic scene that is generally screen played after a traumatic accidents or incidents. But it is now an evident for such instances of Kim Denicola.
What is Amnesia & What are Different Types? It is a condition that affects the memory and causes problems with recalling past events, facts, or information. There are different types of amnesia, such as ante grade amnesia, retrograde amnesia, transient global amnesia and dislocated amnesia. Now we will discuss about it's causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Causes of Amnesia: It can cause by different factors such as brain injury, stroke, infection, lack of oxygen, surgery, medication, alcohol abuse or psychological trauma. Depending on the location and extent of he damage to the brain, different type of memory may be affected. For example , damage to the hippocampus or temporal lobes may impair the liability to form new memories(ante grade amnesia), while damage to the prefrontal cortex or other parts of the brain may impair the ability to access old memories(retrograde amnesia).
Symptoms and Diagnosis of Amnesia: The patient may experience severe pain in the head, Sometimes with blank headiness, confusion, trackless while thinking of anything and forgetting facts. It can be diagnosed by a doctor or neuropsychologist who will conduct a through medical history and physical examination. They may perform some test to assess the patient's memory and cognitive function, such as asking to recall some recent and past happenings, repeat a list of words or talking, draw some repeating things.
Remedies for Amnesia: There is no specific cure of amnesia, but some treatments may help improve memory and reduce the symptoms. Depending on the cause and type of amnesia we suggest some of the remedies as Medication, Cognitive rehabilitation, Psychotherapy and Social support. Some drugs may help enhance the memory function by stimulating the neurotransmitters in the brain. Consult to Neuro physician for better understandings.
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