How to Survive from Severe Heart Attack-An interactive support.
This post may be the most relevant in the post covid19 pandemic era because the whole world human immunity system is too some extend paralyzed. Peoples are affected directly either expired or severely ill due to the damage of the major organs like lungs, heart, kidney or gastro-intestinal or cardio vascular system damages. The peoples indirectly infected face their immunity system breakdown and henceforth post Covid immune syndrome. After one year of Covid vaccination, there is a global heart attack pandemic. In this article we are discussing the whole situation with the case study of heart failure of, Md Kamaluddin.
Md Kamaluddin, a 42 years old healthy man was working as a Maintenance Engineer in Sagardighi Thermal Power Plant under West Bengal Power Development Corporation. During Covid19 Pandemic he was working among the different peoples came from different geolocation for attending a severe turbine breakdown. He was not directly affected by the infection though there was high chances of deadly Delta variant infection but got rid of such attack. In the month of July 2021, Covaxin first dose was administered and then no such symptom was observed but after administering the Covaxin second doses, on 5th of January 2022, a light symptoms of body ache and fever were observed. After five days of infection, all seem to be normal. On 20 th April protective dose were injected. After one week on 30th April 2022, He felt a high fever with unbearable cold. On the next days varicella or chicken pox was observed. Though he was given vaccine but being a diabetes he was taken long time to get relieved. After recovery from the deadly infection, after 25 th May 2022, he started to lead a energetic working life during the capital shut down of his power plant unit. During his annual health check up on April, he was intimated with high cholesterol level indication. Though it was rechecked and found with slightly higher than normal range. Accordingly medication for lowering lipid was started. Till 11 PM of 15 th September 2022 night he could not feel a single sign of major heart failure. There was a get together on Engineers Day celebration at Officers club. After taking food, he returned home and slept. At 4 AM in the early morning he woke up for a toilet and during taking a glass of water. suddenly he felt blank headiness, dark in eyes and chest pain with shortness of breath. He was conscious of the symptoms of heart failure. He called his spouse for getting medical intervention. He rapidly called his neighbouring colleague, Mr. Pronob Guha, a sincere engineer and cooperating man of urgency. He quickly took him to medical center for early diagnosis. After a preliminary test, he was sent to Baharampur Rabindranath Thakur Diagnostic Centre. There he was investigated for Coronary artery blockage with RWMA with 40% LVEF (Left Ventricle Ejection fraction) in Echocardiography. Later he was taken to Durgapur Mission Hospital for further cardiac intervention under DR. Debarghya Dhua, a reputed Cardiologist. On 16 th of September Coronary Angioplasty was proceeded as there was total occlusion in LCX( Left Circumferential) artery and 70% blockage in the Lateral Anterior Descending (LAD) Artery was left for medically management as the severity of the LCX one.
It was medically managed but there was some loophole, on 6th April, 2023 in the night blood pressure was raised at 200/110 mmhg. On emergency he was admitted to BM Birla Heart Research center, Kolkata for further medical treatment. There CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting) was done under consultation with Cardiologist, Dr. Tarun Praharaj, CVTS Dr. Manoj Kumar Daga & Dr. Amanul Haque. For their great effort the whole procedure was successful. Now he was under medical follow up under Dr. Manoj Kumar Daga. He is being gradually improved under his monitoring.
Medication, Foods, Diet and Lifestyle:
After and till now the whole process is a fine tuning phenomenon. Medication doses and frequency as well as the food, drinkable and lifestyle are very crucible. Routine medication, specified diet and controlled physical activities like walking, moderate running, cycling and freehand exercise like Yoga and ritual prayers like Namaz (Holy Prayer with Physical Exercise) would be very beneficial for rapid recovery. But it should monitored Blood Pressure four times daily as the medicines drops the Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and Blood Sugar Level that impart the loss of Blood Pressure resulting faintness. At morning take some tea with biscuit, at 8.00 Hrs take tiffin items as parched rice 100 Grms or vermicelli 100Grms with 100 Grms of Casin and some fruits like apple and papain. Then take the medicine Azmarda. After 4 Hrs. of taking the said medicine, the next medicine, dapagiflozin 10 is being taken.It is blood sugar reducing medicine so blood pressure redudes. So the blood pressure may require to monitor. At 16.00 hrs diuretic medicine, planep T is taken. Then at 20.00 hrs Azmarda 100 is taken & further at 22.00 hrs
DeplattA 75 is taken. After taking all these medicines he goes to bed regularly.
What are Important Medicines for Recovery of Heart Failure:
There are four types of Medicines for treatment of Heart failure are used in modern treatment. These are blood pressure controlling drugs like Azmarda or Cidmus(ACE inhibitor & beta Blocker). It helps to lowering blood Pressure by relaxing the myocardium and blood vessels. The important medicines are blood sugar reducing Forxiga or OXRA 10 mg, Diuretic like Dytor 10mg or Planep 25mg, Cholesterol lowering blood like Lipicure or Atorvastin based Aztor and Blood thinner Aspirin based Ecosprin 75 or DeplattA 75mg. Time and frequency are very important for body balance.
Heart failure is a controllable disease provided it is timely intervened. It needs to maintain with proper medication & controlled lifestyle.
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