Magic Tips to Reduce Eye Strain MDWIX Review-How to Manage Eye Stress While Working in Front of Computer.

How to Manage Eye Strain While Work in Front of Computer?

             This is the age of global digitalization. Peoples from age group of three to hundred years are spending their times in front of magic glasses of mobile handset, laptop, tablet or desktop computer from micro to macro screen. 

Steps for eye excercise.

                  These screen creates and displayed images with high resolution with different pixels. Human brains are interecting with this digital data base with the biolense of eyeball. High bit rates of such digital devices forces to move eyeball beyond our normal focal domin. Gradually eyes are stick & adjusted to that focal ranges. This limits the normal exposure of our eye movement. Consequently most of digital professionals working five years and more with digital apparatuses forced to face an eye disabilities. Near future it will become fourth chronic complication globally followed by diabetes, heart' diseases and arthriti. It will be the  third disease among the industrial and occupational diseases.There is no such medication therapy but only lifestyle management and eye excercises can enhance the eye health and well-being. We meet the occupational experts in National Institute of Locomotor Disabilities, Kolkata. They suggest some of the good practices to remove eye strain while working at the computer. 

                    First one is the regular eye checking and opthalmologist intervention. Since our eye focal length is adjusted with the working resolution. So our eyes need to be complimented with external lense support. This must be diagnosed and evaluated by the experienced opthalmologist.

             Second one is the eye excercises. Movement of our eyeball in different angle and position at regular interval. Frequent blinking may relax our eyes. In another article we discussed about movements of our eyeball. It is necessary to maintain a distances of 40 to 70 mm between our eye and monitor of digital gadgets like computer and laptop or tablets.

            Third one is the adjustment of lights. This is days of energy conservation. We optimize the use of lights of energy conservative.This leads a situation of scarcity of light intensity at the working desk. So it needs to be emphasised for lighting intensity at work place of reading table of the scholars.

              Fourth one is the cleaning of monitor at regular interval and adjust font scalling compatible to our eyes comfort. 

                   Fifth one is the use of protective glasses. As computer radiates infra-red ray that might be harmful for eye. So use of protective glass enhance eye protection.

                  Last but not least is the practice of 20-20-20 rules for eye protect. Rest your eyes for al least 2 minutes at every 20 minutes interval. Blink your eyes at each 20 seconds. Look at objects at 20 fts distances at every 2 minutes. 

                Follow these steps to protect your eyes from chronic failure.

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