What is the Essence of Intermittent Fasting? Modern Science and Ancient Theology.
In the year 2016, the story was circulated regarding the Noble Prize winning of Japanese Cell Biologist, Yoshinori Ohsumi. He explained the autophagy, a metabolism process in human bodies. It is substantial to intermittent fasting or starvation in human body cell.
What is Autophagy and how does it work in human body?
Before telling the scientific theory, we are trying to describe it analogically to our real life. Suppose we consider our home as our body. There is small room like kitchen where foods are cooked to produce energy for our daily energy needs. The cooked foods are stored in the freeze. According to our needs we consume ready foods from the freeze. New foods are prepared and being top up. This is a system of equilibrium. Now imagine, though old foods are stored in the freeze, new foods are being prepared and consumed. Then what will be happened. It creates garbage in the freeze hencefourth bacteria and fungicide will be born. So it needs to control the input of the supply so that older ones will be consumed on scarcity. This is the philosophy of the autophagy in human bodies. Now let we explain the science of intermittent fasting & Autophagy.
Our body parts are formed by the cell, various small room like structure in which the energy is produced to make us alive and to reproduce replica of human beings. This is a continual process. Every day old cells are dying and new cells are being produced in our body organs. So the old cells are needed to be removed from our body or decomposed within body. These dead or old cells can be metabolized to elementary composition to construct the new cells subject to scarcity of resources for new cell mitosis. The process is described as autophagy. If our body has the sufficient food grains supplied externally, the old cell decomposition would be retarded. Subsequently it deposits within the cell. It hampers the biological processes in our body. It disturbs the auto immune system and genetic transcription. It enables the genetic mutation that inherites abnormalities. Hence it introduces several chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, thyroxin syndrome even the deadliest cancer.
Facts of Autophagy and Intermittent Fasting?
It is evidently explained in the above analogy and the science of cell biology, if there is a deficit in supply of materials for constructing new cells, then it manages to utilize the resources within it's own domain. If we restrict our body to take foods and water for a long time, it will start to metabolize the old cells and accomplishes the mitosis, the process of new cell generation. Based on recent scientific research, after 24 to 48 hrs. of fasting the autophagy stars in the human body. After initiation of the process, the body needs to be supplied external food grains, water and minerals on an interval of 12 to 16 hrs. Thus our body decomposes all the dead cells or old cells and disposes off legacy garbage.
Intermittent Fasting and Religious Theology-Ramadan.
There is a convention, old in a new exposure is widely appreciated. After the discoveries of Yoshinori Ohsumi, science maniac starts intermittent fasting in western culture. But in facts fasting is a religious custom in various theology. The primitive Hindu Scriptures tell for fasting in a very customized pattern. It only suggests cereals fasting for the widows. The Christ and Jews Scriptures also suggest for intermittent fasting but not mandatory for all followers. The last and most modern religious Prophet, Hazarat Muhammad (S) adopted fasting as Ramadan mandatorily for his followers as one of the five commandments of Islam theology subjected to conditional relaxation. Accordingly all the momens (Means the pious Islamic Followers, Muslim) stop taking foods and drinkables approx. one hours prior to sunrise, Sabah Sadiki. Then they continue dry fasting for 12 to 14 hrs. At sunset they start to take foods and drinks. Based on various interviews from the Ramadan fasting participants, it enhances the well being. It reduces weight, increases appetite and improves digestion. It helps to control diabetes, hypertension.
Science is still searching the universal truth of religious theology in various custom. Since Islam is the most updated version of prophesy. It directs different substantial philosophy.
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Tags: #Ramazan, #Ramzan, #Ramadan, #Ramadaan,